May 19, 2018

Floating Pacific Islands Free From Government

This is a pretty cool idea.

If you’re struggling to do business or just live under your country’s administration, a movement of philanthropists, academics and investors is working on a very sci-fi alternative.

I like the concept and when it comes to overreaching government regulations. I have always felt like I am in the minority or that other folks just don’t care enough.

“If you don’t want to live under a particular government, people will be able to just take their house and float away to another island.”-Nathalie Mezza-Garcia, Floating Island Project

I was thinking about retiring in St. Thomas but this might be a better idea.

Take That Media dot Org

This is the big project I’ll be working on for at least 6 months. The plan is to put a complete archive of all of our shows on the site. We’ve done literally thousands of podcasts over a ten year period and it will all be up for your listening pleasure.

The goal is to have the site ready to go by November 2018. I thought I could get this done by the summer but I’m not holding my breath.