March 18, 2021

HDWGH – Story 24 – Neglected Details

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Megan Hamilton woke up out of a dead sleep. She couldn’t help it. Her husband was facing her and looked to be out cold. In the small space between them, a wet urine soaked bed. The smell made her want to vomit.

Before: Josh Hamilton would finally be able to sleep with his new bride. He knew the rules. No drinking alcohol or unpleasant things could happen during the night. He had been successful in keeping this from Megan throughout the years they’ve been dating. It was rather easy. They had never actually spent the entire night together. They weren’t prone to drinking so he wasn’t really worried.

The wedding reception was full of alcohol and Josh knew that if he drank any of it, there would be a small chance Megan would get an unexpected surprise in the morning.

It was his wedding day after all. Why not?