Last Day of the Month

I’m filing this one under shizz because it just should be.

It is snowing.

That is really all I have to say…

…or do I?

I started watching a show on Netflix called Fate which is a lot like Harry Potter except with all fairies. I’ll write a more appropriate review when I finish the first season. Of course, since we’re talking about Netflix it could only get one season and be really good but since Netflix decides whatever the show can get cancelled.

I’m not bitter about the cancelling. I get enraged about it. Why bother sinking all of your resources into something only to decide too soon that it wasn’t making you enough income? Look at Firefly. Jesus. That show should have lasted a shitload of seasons longer than it did. Everyone knows it.

Ok. This post about nothing in particular is over now. Everyone can resume with whatever they were doing which is probably infinitely more interesting than reading this garbage.

The picture is courtesy of this post who thinks that micro plastics are everywhere and we should all care about it.