Life Lessons

Life Lessons


Somebody I started watching on YouTube a while back. Ali Abdul sends out a newsletter every week or so and this is something that I found to be so true.

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A Good Life Lesson

This is going to sound painfully obvious. It is very obvious but I fell into this trap at home. I was watching a productivity video and it flipped on the light bulb for me.

Would you like to know what it was?

Well, I’ll tell you anyway.

Certain things belong in certain spaces. I did an audit of my office and wow, just wow!

You would not believe the amount of crap I moved out of the office so it could be placed where it actually “should” be.

Coffee products = kitchen.

Bedroom products = bedroom.

Basement things = basement.

I had a lot of things in places where they shouldn’t have been.

My office looks better as a result.

Note: The picture is not my office. It comes from here.

Life Tip# 3740

How to know you’ve completely lost your mind.

When you are attempting to please yourself sexually and you utter the words “you’re doing it wrong.”

Revelations over 50

These are just a few things that I’ve done on the other side of 50 that some may consider weird. When I say weird, I mean weird from the perspective of a younger age group. I remember what it was like when I was 35 and how I thought old people did weird shit. Well, as it turns out, they actually DO weird shit.

I’ll give you some examples below.

  1. They make noises when they do most everything. Ever listen to an old man pee at a urinal next to you at a bar, restaurant, or other venue? They are making noises. You may hear things like “Ahhhh” and “Oh, yeah.”

  2. They don’t give a fuck. When we are younger, we are so self absorbed that we don’t see the rest of the world around us. Older people are over that. They don’t care what you think. They don’t care what you think about anything. Why? That thing you are doing? Living your life at 35. Yeah, they’ve already done that. It is like young mothers giving advice. Well, young mothers let me give you some advice. Shut the fuck up. There is nothing you are going through that someone else already hasn’t. Not one fucking thing. Shut your pie hole. Don’t give a fuck.

  3. Nudity. Here is another area where older people just don’t give a fuck. We laugh at the old guy that walks out to get his paper nude. “He’s forgotten to put his clothes on,” People might say. They would be wrong. That old guy just doesn’t give a fuck if you are offended or not. If they are a nudist, it can be even worse. Try getting them to put clothes on. Go ahead. I dare you.

  4. Driving. I realized a long time ago that I needed to stop driving. I just knew. I have no regrets. I don’t go out much so I don’t care. If I really need to travel somewhere, I have other options. One thing I am not doing. I’m not spending all of the money on it. I’d rather buy a new MacBook Pro.

  5. Sex. I stopped caring about this one a long time ago. If you are worried that I am eyeing you up and down because I want to have sex with you, wow. You couldn’t be more wrong. I’m probably just admiring your beauty. Believe me. It does happen. Some men can look at another woman without the idea of sex ever popping into their minds.

I think these five are a good start. I’ll probably add more later.

Why Marriage Sucks – Part 22

I could write an entire book on why marriage is a horrible institution.

On my website, a bad marriage is defined by any marriage. They are all bad.

This post might jump around a bit.

Marriage is basically agreeing to put up with someone else until either you die or you get sick of them and someone in the relationship leaves.

Why? Because society makes you believe that marriage is the way to go. Look at all of the benefits that marriage brings you? It’s ok. I’ll wait.

Personal Quote

Sometimes when I am in the bathroom in the morning, I’ll be thinking about a topic and just proceed to create a great quote from it.

The key to remembering everything is to NOT remember anything.

You are probably shaking your head. “This is complete doublespeak and poppycock!”

I assure you that it is not.

Our brains are horrible at remembering anything. If that is true, then why rely on it? While we may remember events, do we truly remember them in every perfect detail? No. No, we do not.

The trick is to make sure you write your brilliant ideas down somewhere. It could be the phone that you are carrying with you. It could be an app like Drafts on your Apple Watch that lets you dictate a quick note that syncs to your phone or laptop.

I have a waterproof writing system in the shower which is how I remembered my quote to share with you right now.

Get it down and you’ll always remember!


Distractions are the mother of everything wrong in the world. I just took a quick course on LinkedIn Learning about this very topic.

At my age, I’ve seen a lot of things and I’ve read countless self help books. The material in the course wasn’t necessarily new but I like that it sparked some ideas and reignited thinking and patterns associated to why we get so damn distracted.

Email is always the 900 pound gorilla in the room. It is very difficult to get away from. Many people have different ideas and ways of dealing with it. Checking it at certain times during the day is a good way.

The course instructor used two flags on email. The red flag was for what needed to be done today. The yellow flags were things that could wait to be answered. Those he would set a specific time of the week for. I don’t think that would work for us but maybe we could spend the last hour of the day on the yellow flag items?

Turning your phone off or turning off notifications or even turning on your phone “driving” mode can help mitigate distractions.

I thought the course was interesting. Liked the instructor and always like listening to Arianna Huffington’s accent. I am shallow in that regard. I admit it.

Realism Versus Happyism

This particular jewel of a post is about why my website seems to be so damn negative all of the time. It’s never about anything happy. All of the stuff I write seems to be from the perspective of some old guy who hates everyone.

I prefer not to live in a bubble. The world is not a happy place. It is a dark and sad place. When you look at the terrible things that human beings do to each other each and every day it sickens you. You wonder to yourself how we’ll ever evolve to beings better than where we are now.

I don’t believe we’ll ever see an evolved society like you might see in a science fiction movie or television show. Human beings are way too fucked up for that. And disagreeable, did I mention disagreeable? I think you only need to look as far as our current political system in my country to see how far we have to go as a species. Everything in Washington is a fight, a war, a stand, or some other damn thing that is more about the politicians themselves than the people they are supposed to serve.

We have a representative government which means I don’t give a fuck what the guy I elected thinks. He or she is supposed to vote exactly the way I tell them to. That is how it is supposed to work.

I often post that I wish a big asteroid would smack into our planet and knock humans off of it. We have a habit of dragging everything down with us and I think Earth should be allowed to continue.

We’ll never evolve as a species if we can’t get past our differences and start treating each other better.

I guess that means we’ll never evolve. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to go back to flinging poo.

Seek to Understand

From the Franklin-Covey system

Seek to understand before seeking to be understood.

In light of recent events, this is even more important.

To extend the quote…

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.

That was a quote from Dr. Franklin Covey.

I try to live this every day. I do not go around telling people how to live their lives or what they should or shouldn’t be doing.

I think that is a good way to live. I’m not a stand up guy. I never have been. I’m not a great leader nor do I wish to be. Those are external definitions and really don’t mean a lot to me personally. I like to focus on me.

If at the end of my life someone can point to me and say “He wasn’t a bad guy” I think that would be a nice thing. Will I care after I am dead?

Of course not. You know. Because, I’ll be dead.

Life Tip

My friend and fellow podcast creator Joe Guzman posted this on his facebook page. So true…

Microsoft Word to OneNote

I have been using Microsoft Word to keep a master document of everything new I learn about my job. It was an idea that I got from someone I used to work with and it was a great idea at the time.

As of this writing, my little document has grown into something a lot less managable.

I’m going to start converting my documentation over to OneNote. I saw a co-worker using it the other day for the exact same thing I do and it looked like it worked much better. I also believe the search function is a bit more advanced.

I don’t know why I’m posting this on my blog.

Talking to myself, I suppose.

A Few Words About Love

I don’t usually discuss this type of thing on my site but I just want to say that I’ve been without the woman I love for several months now.

For my friends and family that keep asking, no. I am not ok. My heart aches every day that I’m without the one I love, my soulmate, my everything.

I don’t see that this empty feeling will ever just “go away” or that I may just move on and forget about the one lady that knows me better than anyone.

I love her very much. I think about her every single day.

I miss my baby.

Sorry. I just had to get that out there.

3-D Printers Can Kill

This is not a joke. Apparently, they can give off enough CO2 to kill you if you don’t have adequate ventilation.

The source said that the couple was using a laser 3-D printer that was venting into their residence. Symptoms and signs consistent with carbon monoxide poisoning were found in their bodies.

You can read the story here.

Life Lesson #12

Never make a business appointment with someone for a specific time and then just not show up.

It’s never cool.

Updated: February 25, 2013

Update: I should probably post “why” its not cool. Its not cool because by being late you are saying to them “I do not value your time.” You can NEVER make the claim that you care about them because by being late or not showing up at all, you have already proven otherwise with your actions alone. ** Bitter content removed ** I had written an additional sentence or two but after reading through it this morning, I feel that it was a bit over the top. Being late for anything is one of my biggest pet peeves. You can almost completely control this event and by being late you also show that you have no control over events that you obviously should. Bottom line: being late shows a lot about the person who is late. None of them are positive.