
Why Marvel is Better at Making Movies…

…than DC Comics.

Ben Affleck is hanging up the cape, according to a report that the actor is leaving the Batman franchise.

Affleck’s exit comes on the heels of another departure from the DC universe, according to The Hollywood Reporter, which claims Henry Cavill will no longer be Superman.

via New York post

Changing actors so often has become tiresome for movie goers. I just got used to these characters being portrayed by these actors. DC can’t even have the same actor that works on a television show play in their movies. Look at The Flash for example — played by two different actors in two very different ways. Grant Gustin’s television version isn’t the same as Ezra Miller’s version in Justice League.

Common Sense: Adobe Flash

If you are still using Adobe Flash for critical pieces of your website, I’d say that logic dictates that you change to HTML 5 or something that most all devices can play.

For example, I just visited WGAL 8 here in Lancaster. They have slideshows that require Adobe Flash to play them. Guess what? I’m using an iPad tablet. I don’t have Flash and will never have it on this tablet.

I’m not alone. Apple has just announced that it sold 3 million iPads in 3 days. That is on top of all of the other iPads that are already out in the wild. Let’s face facts. Its the dominate tablet. Chances are…it will be the dominate tablet for a long time to come.

That means that most people are choosing iPads which means that most people who use tablets can’t view your Flash content.

What do I do in those cases when I come across a site that requires Flash?

I go somewhere else.

I’m pretty sure that we’ve come to the point in this relationship where using Adobe Flash for critical parts of your website means a loss of traffic for you.

I’m not exclusing myself either. I currently have an MP3 player that uses Flash to function on one of my sites. However, I am quickly moving to an HTML 5 alternative.

Someday we’ll look back on this Adobe Flash nonsense and… [fill in the blank]…