
Excellent Quote by James Clear

“Relax. Your rumination, analysis, worry, and need to control the future are robbing you of the current moment. Yes, there is a time for preparation, but continually thinking of the future guarantees you’ll never enjoy in the present.”

–James Clear

Steve Jobs Goodness

This came by way of James Clear author of Atomic Habits.

An email from Steve Jobs, sent to himself, remarking on how much we all need each other:

“I grow little of the food I eat, and of the little I do grow I did not breed or perfect the seeds.

I do not make any of my own clothing.

I speak a language I did not invent or refine.

I did not discover the mathematics I use.

I am protected by freedoms and laws I did not conceive of or legislate, and do not enforce or adjudicate.

I am moved by music I did not create myself.

When I needed medical attention, I was helpless to help myself survive.

I did not invent the transistor, the microprocessor, object oriented programming, or most of the technology I work with.

I love and admire my species, living and dead, and am totally dependent on them for my life and well being.”

Source: Email sent on September 2, 2010. Featured in Make Something Wonderful​

QOTD – Vacuum of Space

Dark matter is a failure of science to understand what a vacuum truly is and that armchair quarterbacking the universe from a single planet will lead to futility.

  • Mike Williams, Know-it-All

QOTD – Society

Society would be a lot better off if we would all stop lying to one another.

–Mike Williams

QOTD – Nonsense

I’ve never understood the logic behind the statement “If you don’t vote, you are throwing your vote away.” I think it is utter nonsense. If I have a stone in my hand and I don’t throw it, how could I possibly have thrown it away?

Two Favorite Quotes

Both are from Eleanor Roosevelt.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
The 1st quote has had the biggest impact on me.
The 2nd quote is something we all could revisit from time to time. Including myself.