random shizz


I have not posted on this site in quite some time. There are reasons. I’m not sure what those reasons are.

It has more to do with the fact that I am simply not writing as much as I used to. I guess I’m filling my time with more programming related things because it is fun and I get something out of it. Additionally, it helps me as far as my daytime job is concerned.

I won’t promise that I’ll write or post more often.

I have no idea.

Public Stalking

I believe I just figured out why it disturbs me when I hear that someone is a “fan” of someone else so much that they devote time, money, and resources in the pursuit of said fandom.

The words “stalk” and “fan” are remarkably similar.

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…and fan…

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I believe the only difference between stalking someone and being a fan of someone is the fact that being a fan can be done in public.

The Superhero TV Formula

I love comic books. That isn’t to say that I read them. I love comic books because of the superhero movies and television shows that are a result of them.

I remember sitting in from of our console TV as a child and watching Batman every day. The one thing I do NOT remember is shows that focused on sexuality, feelings, emotions, or other shit that simply doesn’t belong in the genre.

The series tied everything up in a nice bow. The villain would do dastardly things and the superhero would stop them and save the day. There would always be some trap that Batman and Robin would have to get out of. It was glorious. Was Batman bisexual? I dunno. Was Robin really a gender neutral? Again, dunno. My question is why would I care? It lends nothing to the story and although a modern screen writer might claim that it helps define the character, I would disagree.

It matters much less than they think it does.

I watched Star Trek as a kid and all of the way through to my adulthood. I believe I was in my forties when I read that George Takei (Sulu) was gay. That is how much it didn’t matter. His sexuality had nothing to do with the character much in the same way as if his character was gay.

A later Star Trek movie that reasoned that if George was gay then the character must also be gay was fucking ridiculous. I’m fairly certain that Gene Roddenberry did not write Sulu as a gay character.

You get the idea. Leave the fucking sexuality out of it and your shows probably would enjoy more seasons instead of getting cancelled.

I mean Batwoman. Jesus.

The Annoyed Beta Tester

I found this and couldn’t help but comment on it.

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My reply to this thread is below. Irritation, annoyance, and frustration are the very definition of what beta testers must go through. You are signing up to put up with it so I get a little irritated myself when I see people whine about it.

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